Thursday, January 18, 2018

Best of 2017

Well I am a little late to the party, but.......

I have done a few photography trips in 2017.

I visited the Central Valley to catch the migratory birds and sometimes a beautiful sunset.

Egret trying to catch a meal

If you wait long enough you might see a geese lift off

White crowned Sparrow

Red-Tailed hawk-  I did not realize I captured the nictitating membrane, protecting his/her eye.  Kind of creepy looking

Sandhill Crane in flight

Northern Harrier scouting for a meal

.....and the sunsets

I enjoyed decorating for Easter and bought many German Chocolate Bunnies.  Below is my favorite guy:

Next on my trip agenda was Spring in Yosemite. The park was full of Dogwoods, high water, roaring waterfalls and unbelievable traffic.  TV stations showed the waterfalls etc and the visitors came in droves.  I made several trips during the week, but even then if not in the park by 9AM, there was a long wait at the entrance.  Also construction was causing long delays.

Water in Motion

Roaring waterfalls

The valley floor was overwelmed with all the water and meadows ended up under water with beautiful reflections of the falls

4th July Fireworks in Clearlake:

In September/October I checked one item off my bucket list - Visiting Colorado in the Fall.
Earlier in 2017 I reconnected with an old friend from Germany, she lives in Colorado Springs.  We knew each other for more than 40 years and lost contact arround 1994.  Anyway I got to see some beautiful landscape and want to go back one more time.

We came across this horse on the way to Durango.  I just had to stop and take a photo....

One of my trip highlights was the Dallas Divide

One trip to catch Fall colors in Yosemite

I think I was just a little late to capture the best of the fall colors, but it still was a great day to spend in Yosemite

Then came Thanksgiving in Clearlake.....

It was one of those great sunsets you hope for, but the camera I packed to capture this had an empty battery and I did not bring a spare.  I made do with another one and got a fairly good shot.

Inge Fernau is available for Photo Tours or Short Hikes in Yosemite, the Eastern Sierra, Wine Country or the California Coast. Contact Us

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These (digital) photographs are not in the public domain! They may not be used on websites, blogs, or in any other media, they may not be copied, printed or otherwise reproduced in any manner or form, whether in whole or in part without explicit advance written permission from Inge Fernau. All images may be purchased or licensed in a range of sizes.